Comments and enquiries

Please use this form for general enquiries

We welcome comments or enquiries from you about the services we provide or if you would like more information about this Trust.

Please complete the comment form below. If you enter a valid email address you will receive an acknowledgement. Please do not use this form for urgent enquiries. If your enquiry is urgent, please contact us directly by telephone using a number listed on this website.

Please note: if you have a Freedom of Information (FOI) request, please click here.

Please complete your comment or enquiry below:

Please note

Whilst we are happy to accept general enquiries or comments via this on-line email form, please do not use it to send any sensitive personal information to us.

What happens to my information?

Information you supply using the electronic ‘online’ form(s) available on our Web site will only be used for the purpose(s) stated on the form. We will not use this information for any other purpose.