Freedom of Information (FOI) Disclosure Log

FOI number Request
21/496 Dermatology Treatment Drugs
21/495 Trust Artwork
21/494 SELR Exemption and MTI Route
21/493 Digital Dictation-Speech Recognition Solutions
21/492 PET-CT Access
21/490 Hospital Admissions
21/489 Treatment of Neurology Patients
21/487 Drug Treatments
21/486 PAS-EPR
21/485 Biologics Drugs
21/484 Trust Spending On Unlicensed Medicine
21/483 Bariatric Equipment
21/479 Patient Feeding and Retail Catering
21/478 Answer Machines Messages
21/477 Medical Appraisal & Revalidation Software
21/476 Breast Cancer Treatment
21/474 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Test
21/471 Staff- IT- Consumables
21/470 Rheumatology Patient Drugs
21/466 Information Asset Owner's (IAO's)