Equality and human rights

The trust is committed to equality of opportunity, treatment and behaviour, employment, promotion and development.

We are proud of our diverse workforce who are representative of the communities we serve and support us in the delivery of our equality agenda.

Our equality objectives 2022-2024

Protecting our staff

  • Ensuring that workplace environments are free from bullying or intimidating behaviour, violence and aggression.

Increasing representation

  • Increasing workforce representation at all levels and positive reports of staff experience about equality of opportunity, as measured through the staff survey.
  • Delivering on our commitments in the national workforce race and disability equality standards, and the aspirational targets for multicultural staff.

Building an inclusive culture

  • Making sure that people feel comfortable to be themselves and feel that they belong.
  • Continuing development of inclusive leaders and allies.

Supporting staff to tailor care towards cultural needs

  • Supporting staff to recognise and tailor care towards people’s cultural needs and attend to social and health inequalities.


Gender pay reporting legislation requires employers with 250 or more employees to report statutory calculations every year showing how large the pay gap is between their male and female employees. There are two sets of regulations and the public sector regulations require NHS trusts to provide a ‘snapshot’ of ordinary pay difference on 31 March every year, including any bonus payments.

Gender pay reporting is different to equal pay. Equal pay deals with the pay differences between men and women who carry out the same jobs, similar jobs or work of equal value. It is unlawful to pay people unequally because of their gender.

The results of the report are published on the Government’s reporting website.

The gender pay gap shows the difference in the average pay between all men and women in the workforce. The NHS terms and conditions of service handbook contains the national agreements on pay and contributions of service for all NHS staff except very senior managers and medical staff.

We are required to publish an action plan to show the work that will take place to reduce the gender pay gap. Our action plan for 2022-23 involves:

  • Quarterly promotion of a wide range of flexible working practices. Explore adding 2022 flexible working to all job adverts.
  • Actively promote shared parental leave to staff.
  • Monitor take up of female apprenticeships and where they take up a position.
  • Publish the gender pay gap report on our website.
  • Analysis of data by divisions to help inform the underlying causes of pay gaps.
  • Investigate feasibility of a women’s staff network to support women in the workplace.
  • Celebrate International Women’s Day to promote and engage staff on gender equality.

These actions are recommended in the Government’s guidance on reducing the gender pay gap and the action plan delivery is overseen by the Workforce Equality Group and reported to the Board.

For more information contact

Sarah Feather
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lead

07812 502112