All organisations that provide NHS care or adult social care are legally (section 250 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012) required to follow the Accessible Information Standard.
The Standard aims to make sure that people who have a disability, impairment or sensory loss are provided with information that they can easily read or understand with support so they can communicate effectively with health and social care services.
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust is working towards full implementation of the standard that will lead to improved outcomes and experiences, and the provision of safer and more personalised care and services to those individuals who come within the Standard’s scope.
The Standard Requirements
- Ask people if they have any information or communication needs, and find out how to meet their needs.
- Record those needs clearly and in a set way.
- Highlight or flag the person’s file and/or notes so it is clear that they have information or communication needs and how to meet those needs.
- Share information about people’s information and communication needs with other providers of NHS and adult social care, when they have consent or permission to do so.
- Take steps to ensure that people receive information which they can access and understand, and receive communication support if they need it.
If you require support or any adjustments because of a disability to help you communicate when accessing any of the Trust’s services, or you require information in an alternative format you can submit you details confidentially in the form below.
One of our Communication Support Champions may then contact you for further details.
You can also download and print the following document and send it to us in the post or bring with you on your next visit: