Bexhill Ophthalmic Day Surgery Unit

Holliers Hill, Bexhill-on-Sea,
East Sussex TN40 2DZ
Tel: 0300 131 4422 or 0300 131 4393

Bexhill Ophthalmic Day Surgery Unit comprises of a preassessment clinic, theatre and ward.

There are two surgical lists carried out each day. Surgical procedures include cataract extraction, ocularplastics and glaucoma surgery.

We also provide daily preassessment clinics, offering face-to-face and telephone appointments.

We work closely with the Dowling Retinal Suite at Bexhill Hospital who offer treatment for age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Contact and visiting information

Bexhill Ophthalmic Outpatients

0300 131 4600 – Option 1

Bexhill Ophthalmic Day Surgery

Day Surgery Appointments and General Queries

Reception – 0300 131 4393

Ward – 0300 131 4422 (only ring this number is you have a query specific to the ward)

All Queries following recent day surgery (in the past 2 weeks)
0300 131 4500 Ext: 771744