
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust

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2 November 2023
A spotlight on our international nurses thumbnail image

A spotlight on our international nurses

Every year we welcome our new cohort of international nurses into the trust. We spoke to Ahamefula Adanma and Manju Manju about their experiences. Ada joined the trust in 2021 as an international nurse working on Irvine Unit at Bexhill Hospital. When she arrived it was at the height of COVID and the process of…

1 November 2023
Health advice during Storm Ciarán thumbnail image

Health advice during Storm Ciarán

Following the Met Office’s warnings ahead of Storm Ciarán, which is due to affect the south of England from 6pm this evening (Wednesday, 1 November), the NHS in Sussex is urging everyone to take care over the next 48 hours, and to please use NHS services responsibly. NHS services in Sussex will prioritise patient safety during…

1 November 2023
2,000 robotic urology operations at Eastbourne DGH thumbnail image

2,000 robotic urology operations at Eastbourne DGH

In October our urology team reached the fantastic milestone of 2,000 robotic operations performed at Eastbourne DGH. We spoke to Mr Karl Spiteri, Consultant Urologist, about the robotic urology service. “Since the surgical robot was introduced at Eastbourne DGH in 2015, the robotic urology service has gone from strength to strength, and we have become…

26 October 2023
Partnership Forum celebrates first year thumbnail image

Partnership Forum celebrates first year

The trust’s Partnership Forum marks its first anniversary this month, celebrating a year of bringing colleagues together from across the trust. The forum members discuss how the trust runs and provide insight and suggestions into how we can continue to improve the care that we provide, as well as make our organisation a better place…

26 October 2023
Claire, our Hero of the Month thumbnail image

Claire, our Hero of the Month

June’s Hero of the Month was Claire Wyse, who was a Matron within the out of hospital care team, based at Milton Grange in Eastbourne. Claire was nominated by her colleague who said ‘Claire assisted our patient who was choking on some food and then went into cardiac arrest in front of the other patients.…

26 October 2023
HCPC Chief Exec visits Eastbourne DGH to mark Allied Health Professionals’ Day thumbnail image

HCPC Chief Exec visits Eastbourne DGH to mark Allied Health Professionals’ Day

Bernie O’Reilly, the new Chief Executive of the Health and Care Professions Council, visited Allied Health Professional colleagues at Eastbourne this week to talk with them about their work here at the trust and celebrate their achievements in delivering and improving care. AHPs are employed by the trust in a variety of roles include Dietitians,…

23 October 2023
Special care baby unit courtyard officially opened thumbnail image

Special care baby unit courtyard officially opened

The newly refurbished courtyard at the special care baby unit at Conquest Hospital, has officially been opened by Vice Lord-Lieutenant Mr Graham Peters. The courtyard was designed by John Wright in memory of his late partner Bayley John Carter, with plants in a theme of blue as a tribute to his favourite colour. The work…

19 October 2023
National nursing nod for Pauline thumbnail image

National nursing nod for Pauline

Congratulations to Pauline Abu, an Intermediate Care Sister at Bexhill Irvine Unit (BIU), who has been nominated for a Nursing Times Workforce Award. Pauline has been nominated in the category of Best Social Responsibility Programme for her work as a fellow with NHS England.  She is also a professional nurse advocate (PNA) and about to…

19 October 2023
Trust pilots new day procedure for prostatectomies in first for Sussex thumbnail image

Trust pilots new day procedure for prostatectomies in first for Sussex

Our urology team have revolutionised the care we provide to our prostatectomy patients, with some patients now able to return home on the same day as their procedure. The changes mean a better experience for prostatectomy patients, better outcomes and reduced pressure on surgical beds. For a day prostatectomy, the patient arrives at 7am to…

19 October 2023
Hello my name is… Juliet thumbnail image

Hello my name is… Juliet

Juliet Page is an admin assistant in the engagement, wellbeing and organisational culture team. We spoke to her about her role what it felt like to be awarded Employee of the Year at the Trust Awards in July. How long have you been in your current role? “I started as an admin assistant for engagement and…