Rehabilitation Transformation Programme

The Rehabilitation Transformation Programme was launched in 2018 using quality improvement (QI) to engage with our colleagues to review, adapt and redesign our processes and pathways, working in an iterative and collaborative way to tackle future capacity challenges effectively to support our patients in the best way possible.

Reimagining community health services in South East England

Phase 1 - Review, redesign and improve our intermediate care services

Enhancing patient experience of care

Rehabilitation modelling and redesign

Supporting our Patient Journey

Understanding our Population

Workforce Transformation

Phase 2 - Recovery and Restoration of Services

As the COVID-19 pandemic developed and the restrictions came in to play, we were faced with the challenge of how we delivered the same excellent care for our patients under the new Government guidelines.

Rehabilitation Recovery and Restoration (RR&R) Forum

The Forum was formed in the early summer of 2020 and is chaired by Karen Poole, Consultant Therapist – Rehabilitation, and it allows colleagues from all health and social care organisations across East Sussex to come together virtually across traditional boundaries and work on the ‘art of the possible’, small tests of change and collaborates on what works well, what hasn’t and what steps can be taken in the future to improve services.

The Forum holds monthly QI sessions enabling project teams to share improvements, seek feedback and collaboration from other parts of the system, undertake baseline analysis and test their ideas using a PDSA approach. A vibrant community of practice through the RRR Teams channel supported the Forum to share ideas and create the momentum for change.

Our engagement strategy includes presentations, articles and blogs, quarterly Rehab bulletins and monthly Focus On bulletins to share learning and celebrate success nationally, system-wide and locally of the innovative work being undertaken.

Rehab, Recovery and Restoration Forum mind map

The Forum reviewed the critical functions needed to recover and restore services into an integrated health and care pathway, identifying the need to increase capacity and provide equitable processes to support responsiveness and deliver personalised care, increase access to psychology and neuro-psychological provision and increase understanding of high level complexity within the system.  Four workstreams were developed, comprising of 14 projects:

Evolving our Post Covid-19 services

Integration of working practices

Enabling Rehab transformation

Optimising digital technology

The Forum was a shortlisted finalist for the CAHPO Awards 2021 in the AHP Innovation and Delivery of Systems category in recognition of their relentless focus on driving quality improvements in their work and being strong advocates for quality improvement.



Phase 3 - Realising Community Investment and Achieving Sustainable Change:

Understanding our patient population

Measuring our performance

Responsive rehabilitation

Needs based rehabilitation

Workforce transformation

Lifelong re-ablement

The next phase of our Programme (launched in April 2021) is realising the community investment and achieving sustainable change, embedding and building on the work already undertaken and ensuring the personalised care agenda is embedded within our work.

For further information on the Rehabilitation Transformation Programme, please contact Karen Poole, Consultant Therapist (Rehabilitation) –

Karen is currently sharing her journey in rehabilitation transformation through a series of blogs and articles for the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.  These can be found here.



Karen Poole

Consultant Therapist (Rehabilitation)

Trish Richardson

Project Support Officer