Video outpatient appointments

Appointment Centre - Tel: 0300 131 4600
Monday to Friday - 8am to 6pm - Saturday - 9am to 12pm

Video outpatient appointments are a secure NHS video call service for patients.

We use a system called ‘Attend Anywhere’ which can be accessed on a PC, laptop, Mac or an iOS/Android device via Google Chrome or Apple Safari browsers. The video call is free (except your internet usage charge).


  • A few minutes before your appointment time, select the waiting area for your service (please scroll down to see ‘Video Appointment Waiting Rooms’) as per the instructions in your letter.
  • You will be taken through a series of steps to ensure that your equipment is set up correctly.
  • Once the steps have been completed, enter your name and telephone number and accept the terms and conditions (this information is not stored beyond the length of the video call).
  • Select ‘Start Call’ to enter the waiting room. You will see yourself on the video and hear music. The waiting room is private and you will not see other patients.
  • When the consultation starts, your image will shrink and you will see your clinician.

Useful guides

Video appointment waiting rooms

Please scroll down and click on the service you require to start your video call: